Do you want to make a difference in the lives of animals? If so, volunteering is an excellent way to help.
We are 100% volunteer run! No one receives a salary from the sanctuary.
Roles we are looking for:​
Grant writing (highly desired)
Social Media Ambassadors (highly desired): Like, comment and share our social media content. You will be notified of our posting schedule so you can help boost our reach online.
Fundraising and Event Coordination
Animal Care Volunteers
Business development support
Building and ground maintenance
Web page design
Need a college internship? Reach out to Ben!
We are accepting volunteers of all ages! Ages 15 and under need to have a parent or guardian present with them at all times. Ages 16 and 17 can volunteer with parent/guardian permission.
Volunteer at B&B
How do I get started?
Download and complete an application. Then email it to Ben. Ben will contact you to set up an interview.